Welcome to the main website of Custom for the Custom Mode! (This setting was created by VincentiusRedheart)
Please check the other pages for more information!
This setting contains the following pages:
This is where you can see what events are available for this setting.
This is where you can see what features this setting has.
This is where you can read up on the rules for this setting.
This is where you can read up on what this setting has.
This is where you can browse through the seasons available for this setting.
This setting also contains the following pages:
This is where you can manage your Character Roster for Custom, such as; creating new characters, or edit and delete them.
This is where you can chat with other members in real-time, and discuss or role play in the appropriate channels for Custom.
This is where you can interact with Custom by posting in the style of status updates for your characters.