Welcome to the main website of Pollaploús Epipédon!
Pollaploús Epipédon is both a literary and tabletop role-playing game.
Please take your time browsing through our website and thank you for visiting, we hope you will enjoy your stay!
The main website contains the following pages:
This is where you can see what features the website has.
This is where you can read up on the rules for the website.
This is where you can read up on the overall setting.
The Miscellaneous section contains the following pages:
This is where you can read through the FAQ and history of the website.
This is where you can see how to contact the owner.
This is where you can read up on the legalities for the website (such as the Privacy Policy, Refund Policy and Terms & Conditions).
This is where you can see how to hire the owner for your role-playing and/or worldbuilding projects.
This is where you can browse through the site map of the website.