Welcome to the Features page for Pollaploús Epipédon!
Pollaploús Epipédon has a total of ten features for you to use, with most of them requiring you to be a member on the website. However, you can browse some parts of the website without needing to be!
The main feature of the website are the modes and there are three for you to choose from, which are:
This is where you can come to create your own worlds for other people to play in, get paid for your time and experience as a role-player, host your worlds as a Game Master, manage your own chat room for your worlds and share your worlds with others.
This is where you can come to explore the universe of Vincere in your own time, with eighty worlds to choose from across two galaxies.
This is where you can come to play through the story for either the Elementi or Via Lattea galaxy, but you will need to hire The Curator for his time and experience as a role-player to do so.
Which one are you interested in?
There are also a number of other features for you to use as well but in order to use them however, you must create an account on the website!
If you have any questions, don't be afraid to send us an e-mail at pollaplous.epipedon@gmail.com. We're more than happy to help you!
The primary links contains the following pages:
This is where you can come to create new characters for the modes and settings that we have available, as well as manage them such as view, edit or delete.
This is where you can come to chat with other members in real-time, and discuss or role-play in the appropriate channels for the modes and settings that we have available.
This is where you can come to buy merchandise from our games.
This is where you can come to interact with the modes and settings that we have available by posting in the script style.
This is where you can come to write your own stories and share them with others.
The secondary links contains the following pages:
This is where you can come to send and receive mail from other members, as well as read or delete them.
This is where you can come to edit your own profile and share it with others.